
Looking for what's new at SignUp? We've got you covered with our freshest content, latest features, recent awards, partnership announcements & more!


SignUp's New Desktop Dashboard 2024

Redesigned Desktop Dashboard

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our new Desktop Dashboard for Organizers!

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Rookie Designs for SignUps

Check out our fresh backgrounds & badges for your team & sports SignUps.

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2022 Awards by Gartner Network

SignUp Sweepstake Winners

SignUp awarded 2 lucky winners and their fave teachers big back-to-school prizes!

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2022 Awards by Gartner Network

Top Product Recognition 2023

SignUp wrapped up 2023 with huge success & accolades for our amazing platform.

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SignUp's Latest Features for Power Planners

Power Planners' Essentials

Our newest features will help you take your Organizer game to the next level – see how here!

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Backing Community Services

We're making volunteer management so much easier for organizations helping those with food insecurity.

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